Monday, April 28, 2008

THE HILLS suck ... or does it?

Alright - I admit it. I love THE HILLS. Okay, so I'm way too old to be watching that shit but come on, the drama just sucks you right in. It's like a train wreck happening in slow motion that you just can't fucking look away from and honestly - most of us can relate.

Admit it! We've all had that one back-stabbing-bitch-of-a-friend who we will never forgive or forget. You know, the friendship that ended so badly you just want that person to eat shit and die? Oh, and how about that one "friend" who got a boyfriend/girlfriend and then just kicked you to the curb like a piece of rancid meat and then came crawling back to you when the shit hit the fan? Or how about the friend who used you as an excuse while she cheated on her boyfriend and when she got caught, blamed you for not keeping a better handle on her lies?

So here's the good thing about The Hills. It's therapeutic. Every time I watch that show I breathe a huge sigh of relief knowing that fucked up shit happens to everyone. There IS drama-drama-all-around and everyone gets a drink.