Monday, July 7, 2008

Facebook Creeps Me Out

Facebook creeps me out. Yes - you heard me right - FACE BOOK CREEPS ME OUT. Why you might ask? Well, it's a great tool to get back in touch with people you haven't talked to or thought about in YEARS at the click of a button - all you have to is "make a friend request" or "accept a friend request." Simple. Done. Suddenly you are reading up on people you didn't know still existed (the imperative word being "READING") and you find yourself cyber-stalking them like nobody's business. I suppose I could've made an effort to contact some of these people ... you know, post a message on their little wall but I figured this much: If I didn't give a shit about them then, I surely don't give a shit about them now. Besides. Contacting the people you're secretly stalking makes for a bad stalker.

But I must admit - it's interesting to see how much people have changed. Surprisingly, most of the people on my "friends list" are from high school which was a lifetime ago. Many are married but most just got fat and ugly. I have no real purpose for going on Facebook other than to accept friend requests, go to their profile, look through all of their pictures, check their marital status, work experience, see who they're friends with (and as I'm making this list I realized in my head I'm starting to sound like a gnarly online stalker) ... you know, all the useless-information-that-I-absolutely-HAVE-to-know about the people on FaceBook who are COMPLETELY irrelevant to my life.

I'm sure someone out there is doing the same to me. I bet they're looking at my facebook profile saying "man did she get fat and ugly" and they're reading up on me ... secretly, quietly, alone in a dark room ... without me knowing who or where or when.

I'm telling you. It creeps me out.

Facebook creeps me out.