Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Damnit - let me turn!

Today is the third time in a row I almost got into an accident turning into the parking lot of my office. I don't understand, if the light is red and all the cars are stopped bumper to bumper, why nobody will stop in front of the parking lot to let me turn in.

See, I move into the middle turning lane and ONCE in a blue moon a car in the lane closest to me will stop and let me turn. But even when that happens its a given the dumbshits in the far lane never stop to let me go. Today was no different.

As I waited impatiently in my turning lane, the light turned red and cars started slowing down. I eagerly tried to make eye contact with each passing car so they would give me the 10 feet clearance for my turn. Car after car went by ... and I started to lose hope. Just as I was about to get nasty with my horn - **ta da** a car in the lane closest to me stopped and gave me the wave. I waved back and started inching my way across the turn and then SLAMMED on the brakes because the douchbag in the next lane (even though he saw everyone stopped) wanted to block my turn. I stopped, he stopped. Then as I thought I had clearance and started turning again, he started inching forward. FUCKING DOUCHBAG would NOT let me turn. So there I was, blocking traffic, perpendicular to the cars and was getting nasty-honked at by everyone. The the guy had the nerve to give me the finger and call me a shitty asian driver out of his window.

I shoulda gotten out of my car and took my baseball bat to his car.

Seriously. WTF?


eekbot said...

puhLEEZ... don't try to talk to me about bad drivers. i effin' live in delaware, mmkay? these people turn on their right turn signal on when they want to U-turn.

eekbot said...

how do i edit my comment? i just realized that my english blows. but the joke's on you b/c you made me a contributor. ha!